Scholarships should be part of your strategy to pay for college. Put in the work now to get them and it will pay off in the long run.
College costs a lot more than it used to and tuition rate growth has likely outpaced the rate at which you could have saved money.
Economic fluctuations impact everybody, including your parents. With the cost of tuition for some colleges rivaling that of a home mortgage and the added possibility that you may have siblings that also would like to attend college, it is very likely that your parents won't have the funds available to pay for your tuition.
Our society benefits from skilled, well-informed workers. Your success is our success.
You've spent long hours preparing assignments, polishing rough drafts, and cramming for tests. Scholarships recognize your hard work and efforts.
Here is the sky level view of how you can obtain local scholarships through Easton Area School District.
All scholarships rely on a common set of profile information that you will partly need to supply. We've done our best to make this easier for you by pre-filling your form with as much information as we have available. That being said, it will be up to you to validate how correct the information is.
Edit Profile TodayWe will be frequently adding new scholarships to the system. It will be your responsibility to search for scholarships that match your profile to apply for them. When you find one you are interested in, click the heart button to favorite it so you can apply to it later. Favorites will show up on your student dashboard when you first log in.
View Scholarships TomorrowPay attention to those deadlines! Each scholarship that you want to apply for has a different deadline and may have unique criteria that you will need to meet. This may include writing out an essay or writing answers to a few questions as part of the application. Take your time and write to impress!
Apply for Scholarships In the Near FutureOnce you have submitted your application and the scholarship deadline passes, a review process of all applications will take place that is unique to each scholarship. From there the scholarship provider will choose the candidates that they find most-deserving.
After Scholarship Deadlines PassWe are here to help connect you with the financial aid you need to get a head start on your future.
If you encounter any difficulties with the scholarship application website, please contact us at for support.
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